Sui Peng fei, the ministry of agriculture and Yang Lijian working Shandong Province interstate compact on adoptin and medical a...
On October 25th, deputy directorofICAMA Liu Xue,director Wu Houbin andotherentouragevisitedhailirheadquarters, and Studiedonagricu...
OnOctober 19,Thefifthhailirgroupstaffssports was held in Qingdao Agricultural University Stadium.Five delegations from our groupan...
On the afternoon of September 12 ,the top 100 of China Petroleum and Chemical enterprises(CPCEs) was published and private enterpr...
On August 25, Hailir Pesticides Forum in 2014 held in Qingdao Deai Garden Hotel ,which was sponsored by Shandong Province Pesticid...
On July 30th,Ji Jiadong,the mayor of Laixi,visited hailir group.Our president Ge Yaolun and vice president Ge Jiacheng received ...
The 2013 Hailir Pesticides Forum that was cohosted by Shandong Institute of Pesticides, Pesticide Research Institute of ShandongPr...
Hailir held 2013 annual market oath-taking rally meeting....